Can (and Should) You Date Someone before Your Divorce Is Final?


Can a New Relationship Be a Disadvantage during a Divorce?

Your marriage is over, you’ve filed for divorce, and you’re ready to move on—is it too early to date someone? Will it cause problems with your legal proceeding? Can it potentially change the outcome of custody, visitation, alimony or property disputes?

Don’t Be in a Hurry to Start Dating Again

Though there’s no law that prohibits dating while your divorce is still in process, there are a number of good reasons not to do it:

  • It can actually be used against you in many states—If you have filed for “no-fault” divorce, the fact that you’re dating someone while still technically married probably won’t have much impact on the final resolution of your divorce. However, in states, like Texas, that recognize “at-fault” grounds for divorce, the fact that you are seeing someone else could be the basis for allegations of marital infidelity, even if the divorce was filed before you ever started dating. If your ex can convince the court that you engaged in marital misconduct, it can affect custody, visitation and property settlements.
  • You will be emotionally vulnerable and more likely to commit too soon to the new relationship—Studies show that people who start dating during or shortly after a divorce are more likely to get remarried within a short period of time. Research also indicates that those subsequent marriages tend to be even less successful than the first ones. A 2024 report indicated that while 40% of first marriages ended in divorce, nearly 70% of second marriages went down the same road.

Contact the Proven Texas Family Law Attorneys at Graham Family Law

At Graham Family Law, we bring more than 20 years of experience to men and women in San Antonio and the surrounding communities who need skilled and knowledgeable divorce and family law counsel. We are skilled trial attorneys who can protect your rights before a judge and jury. We are also respected within the legal community for our ability to negotiate effective settlements for our clients. Call us at 210-308-6448 or contact us today to learn more about the potential challenges of dating before your divorce is final.

Handling Divorce and Family Law Matters throughout San Antonio and the surrounding communities, including Bexar, Kendall, Floresville, Wilson, Atascosa, Hays, Comal and Guadalupe counties, as well as the municipalities of Saspamco, Sutherland Springs, Poth, Olmos Park, Grey Forest, Kirby, Timberwood Park, Sandy Oaks, Pleasanton, Poteet, Charlotte, Leming and Kyote


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