Now that our kids are adults, I am married to a stranger that I do not like


Going through a divorce can be difficult and emotionally draining, especially after a long-term marriage. You have raised your children and now you find yourself at home, alone, with your spouse. Perhaps you have been so busy that you have not noticed that the two of you have been growing apart with each passing year. You have finally decided that after all these years of being in an unhappy marriage, divorce is the only option for you.

While we understand that divorce can end up being one of the most challenging chapters of your life, things can be a lot less complicated when the nest is empty. Not having to litigate the issues of child custody, visitation and child support can be quite relieving and in addition to saving you time, it can save you thousands of dollars in litigation costs. However, after a long marriage, you now have larger assets to divide, and the division of the community estate can be a lengthy court battle in itself. If you would have divorced at 30, your spouse would have gotten $2,000.00 of your retirement, but now, 10 years later the award is $200,000.00.

Many people that end up staying in bad marriages for way too long expect to be compensated for the years of suffering and are disappointed when divorce does not meet this expectation. While we can assist to get a fair and equitable division of the estate and debts, the longer you stay married the longer it may be for you to make up for what you feel you have lost, whether emotionally or financially.

Remember that kids, even as adults, can still be impacted by their parent’s divorce. It may make them feel that the family they grew up with has failed. You may feel more inclined to confide in your adult children about your failed marriage, but remember that regardless of their age, they are still your children. Try not to use them as confidants or spies or make them feel as if they must take sides. It is often overlooked that a divorce will also have an impact on your grandchildren.

If you are in a marriage that you no longer want to be in and you are certain that you want a divorce, it would be in your best interest to consult with an attorney as soon as possible. Sometimes ending a tumultuous marriage will bring on its own rewards by what the future has to offer, such as peace, happiness or finding new love.

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